Digital Marketing Mastery: Insights, Strategies, and Tactics for Success

Tag: social media

These posts are about social media

Common Blogging Mistakes

Blogging can be a fun and even prosperous way to make some extra money. But, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to blogging. If you think it’s easy, you’re wrong. Creating a readable, friendly, interesting blog that people actually want to come back and read again and again is not easy, its hard work, but if you can figure out some things NOT to do, you just might have a chance at some repeat readers that really enjoy the stuff you’re writing about. Blogging is a superior option when you want to make money, if you are a budding writer, have knowledge or experience about topics no one else does or if you just like to write, but if you want to do it the right way and succeed, be sure to check out the tips below.

SEO Trends for Fall 2014

Talk about a needle in a haystack! There are literally billions of pages on the internet, and if your website’s content is deemed irrelevant by search engines, it’ll be as lost as a skipper on a 3-hour tour. That’s where SEO comes in. Search engine optimization is one of the most important tools you have of getting your website’s page ranking as high up on search engines as possible. And if you’re not keeping up with the latest SEO trends, you might as well close up shop. Some trends from last year are still going strong this year, and SEO experts are still recommending them to boost page views. Here are some of the hottest SEO trends and predictions for fall 2014.

Social Media Marketing for Medical Professionals

Social Media
Business Social Media

The Internet is a gathering place for information, services, and products. Everyone is taking advantage of social media websites to help promote and sell products. Physicians and other healthcare industry employees can utilize social media to market their services as well. They can also keep in close contact with patients while they are not in the office. Here is some information about how many medical professionals are taking advantage of the marketplace that has been created on social media websites.

Understanding the Average Patient

To understand how medical professionals are using social media websites, you need to understand  the average patient that they see today. A large number of people, long before they ever think about going to a doctor, look up information on how to treat or what they can do to treat their ailments on the internet. They find an answer that will subdue them for the time being and return to their daily lives. If the problem gets worse or does not go away, they will then search out the help of a doctor.

Digital Marketing for Doctors

With the addition of a digital marketing strategy to your healthcare site, your future clientele will be discovering you online while reading through information about the problem that they are having. This changes how they interact with you, the doctors. Potential patients are often found reading what other patients had to say about past experience with your practice. For all the rest of the doctors to keep up and not lose out on this quickly evolving market, they need to optimize their online reputation as well as offer information and services to patients using social media sites.

Where to Begin

As a doctor in this technologically advanced world, it is important to know where you stand in Google’s organic search results and what the online community has to say about you. These are some of the most influential pieces of information when it comes to digital marketing for doctors today. If you have not already begun a plan of creating an online presence, you may want to contact an SEO specialist who can help you keep up on all your new advertising tools.

What are the Elements of a Successful SEO Campaign?

Successful SEO
Successful SEO

Good Search Engine Optimization is hard time consuming work. Building a successful campaign is like building a solid structure that is going to stand the test of time. An SEO campaign is successful when it has a foundation that is solid enough to be able to endure many challenges posed by competitors and changes that occur in the search engine ranking algorithms. There are many different aspects and elements included in SEO best practices and SEO itself is constantly in a state of flux. The elements of successful SEO campaigns can be brought down to three essential parts which will work together to support each other and the entire campaign: content, links and social media.  Working with a reputable SEO firm can help ensure that you utilize the latest in SEO best practices on your site.

High Quality Content

It’s just logical that great content is an essential part of SEO strategies. Your website should act as a hub and contain good content as part of the on-site strategies. It is noteworthy to mention that the site itself must be high quality as successful SEO simply cannot exist with a poor website. Every piece of content on a site should be high quality and purposeful. For an SEO campaign to be successful there are no shortcuts. Remember that articles or blog posts are indexed by the web crawlers but should be developed for the readers not the search engines. Blogs and websites should be regularly updated with fresh, unique and valuable content. There is also some content that is seen only by browsers and crawlers – Meta content. URLs, Meta titles, Meta descriptions, and Meta keywords are all considered to be “content” and must accurately use SEO best practices.

What are the Best Social Media Sites for SEO?

LinkedIn Logo
Logo for LinkedIn

Just a few years ago SEO and social media simply coexisted. But over the last few years the line between the two began to blur. Now more than ever the major search engines use social signals as part of their ranking algorithms. In web marketing today an effective SEO strategy will be incomplete without incorporating into it the social aspect of the Web 2.0 which is built around the social element to begin with. And on the other hand, an effective social media strategy will be contributory to the SEO initiative. It is important for the two to work together in order to achieve higher rankings in the SERPs, increase site traffic and of course increase the ROI for a business. Over the last few years there have been several giants in the world of social media; but recently there have been some changing of the guard. Here three top social media platforms that should be part of any social media strategy used in an SEO campaign.

Using Social Media for Business


Social Media
Business Social Media

Social media marketing is a very powerful tool for today’s business. While tweeting, blogging and posting updates on social sites can tend to be fun; these actions when used strategically can be part of an effective web marketing campaign. Many ask if there is anything to be gained by using social media and of course the biggest question is if there is a substantial enough ROI. When it is used properly, social media marketing can be effective and improve your bottom line. Social media is no different than any other marketing tactic; it’s all about strategically setting goals and using social media activities to reach them. Where most people get tripped up is in thinking that there will be an immediate return which is not likely. Social media marketing involves long term strategizing which will help keep a company’s name or brand on the mind of consumers. There are some strategies to help ensure a social media marketing campaign is productive.