Digital Marketing Mastery: Insights, Strategies, and Tactics for Success

Unusual Sources of Online Traffic

Online TrafficIf you have a website online, online traffic is going to be the medium that either makes you or breaks you.  Without online traffic, no one will visit your website and while you might get some traffic from sites like Facebook or Twitter, nothing can outdo other high value targets.  While search engine marketing is important, there are also other websites and mediums that you should be aware of when it comes to getting people to come to your website or blog.  If you take just a few extra steps along the way you could be tapping into other mediums to bring even MORE traffic to your website.  Listed below are a few mediums that are designed to help bring traffic to your website or blog.



Personally, I love this site.  It’s fun and easy to use and yes, you can get people to your website by using Pinterest.  Here is an about us from Pinterest:  “Pinterest is a web and mobile application company that offers a visual discovery, collection, sharing, and storage tool. Users create and share the collections of visual bookmarks (boards). Boards are created through a user selecting an item, page, website, etc. and pinning it to an existing or newly created board. Users save and share pins from multiple resources onto boards based on a plethora of criteria, e.g. similar characteristics, a theme, birthday parties, planning a vacation, writing a book, interior decorating, holidays. Boards can develop projects, organize events, or save pictures and data together.”  The site is known to be more female guided than anything else – around 70% of women use the site, but you can also find men on there as well.  Pinterest has both regular and business accounts.  The business accounts give you more analytics and features than the regular accounts.  Pinterest also has Beta Promotion Pins where you can purchase an ad that essentially allows you to choose one of your pins and have it promoted on the front page more than people’s pins that are not paid for.  Pinterest is sort of like Facebook, but it’s geared more towards pictures and images than content and posts.



Most marketers will probably tell you that Reddit is not a great source of traffic, but I think it’s good enough to place in this blog.  Reddit is a news sharing site that has somewhere around 174 MILLION unique users that come to the site monthly.  Yes, it’s quite busy and it’s a cool way to get people back to your website.  It’s one of the coolest places to post content that is geared towards individuals looking for tips, how to articles and case studies.  A little bit about ReddIt: “Reddit is an entertainment, social networking service and news website where registered community members can submit content, such as text posts or direct links. Registered users can then vote submissions “up” or “down” to organize the posts and determine their position on the site’s pages. Content entries are organized by areas of interest called “subreddits”.  It’s a great site to use if you want to post a thread about something specific (preferably relevant to your business) and allow people to make discussions on the thread.  It also gives you a chance to engage these people.


Quora for Online Traffic

Quora is a lot like yahoo Answers in that you are allowed to ask or answer questions.  But, unlike with Yahoo Answers, Quora questions cannot be “shut down” due to inactivity.  Instead, the questions remain on the website virtually forever – which means anyone can ask questions on the thread.  It’s a really terrific way of proving your expertise through the site.  Quora also uses a profile which means that if you engage someone and they essentially like what you are saying, they can visit your profile and see information such as your business link, social networking links and more.  You can also post blogs on Quora and publish them.  These blogs are seen by other people that are interested in the same types of topics you posted the blog in. You can also promote your blog posts through Quoras Promotion feature.  It does cost money, but it’s worth it if you have something important to say.

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