Digital Marketing Mastery: Insights, Strategies, and Tactics for Success

Author page: SEO Expert

Difference Between a Facebook Business Page and a Personal Facebook Profile

Facebook Fan Page
Up until a few years ago, if you had a business online you could actually use a personal Facebook profile as your business page.  In 2012 though, Facebook made it known that they would be cracking down on these types of people and instead gave them the option to create a fan page i.e.; Facebook Business Profile.  To be honest though, if you’ve never checked out a business profile from an admin standpoint, you might not really understand just why these pages are so beneficial.  I know for me personally, I would rather have a business page just because of so many of the options, benefits and features available.  But, if you’ve never used a Fan page you might not understand why it’s so much better than a regular old profile page.  Below, we will be going over the benefits, as well as differences between a regular profile page vs. a business page and you will see essentially why you should be using one rather than a profile page.

Everything you thought you knew about Google Ads

When Google launched its AdWords in 2000, text ads were only shown above and to the side of Google’s search bar results. While the ads on the side have been taken away, those text ads are still accessible. There are now several different types of ads available for companies of all industries and sizes.

Here’s a brief introduction to the many options Google ads has to offer.

How to Attract VC Funding To a Startup

Attract VC Funding
This guest post was written by Efraim Landa

Efraim Landa is the founder of Effi Enterprises, a VC firm that funds medical start ups all over the world.

You have to have money to make money, right? Not exactly. In fact, millions of people who’ve started their own businesses, many of them extremely successful have started their own businesses without a penny to their names. In some cases, all it takes is a good idea that an investor believes in to get a startup off the ground. In other cases, having a product or even just a prototype will get an investor interested enough to put their capital on the line. And when that VC funding comes in, it’s the start of a whole new business and a whole new life for many involved. If you’re lucky enough to be born into money, well, you’re already more than halfway to success. But if you’re like many others, you don’t have the cash for that startup, let alone the ability to risk it. After all, you can’t risk what you don’t have. And that’s where VC funding comes in. Venture capital is a means of obtaining substantial amounts of cash that you can use for that startup. After a solid business idea and/or product and the know-how and courage, venture capital is an important and viable means of funding your dreams.

Social Bookmarking Sites

4 Ways to Improve Social Media Reach

When most people start a business, the goal is to get leads and ultimately make money.  But, I think you will find a large benefit in gaining a social media presence as well.  Social media is a superb way to get a “following”, get leads, potential customers, make sales, make your business presence known better, etc.  You absolutely need a following; Fans on Facebook, Connections on LinkedIn, Followers on Twitter, etc.  The more people that follow you and the more people you have on your social media profiles, the more of a reach you will have.  It’s just common sense.  More leads = more of a chance to generate leads which obviously leads to making more money!  In order to increase your core social reach there are a few things you should consider.  Listed below are a few ways to expand your reach.

How Do Promoted Pins on Pinterest Work?

Oh Pinterest, how I love thee!  You probably belong to every other social site out there, like Facebook and twitter, but have you ever heard of Pinterest?  I really do enjoy it.  It’s incredibly fun to use, but it can also help you get people to look at your pins which may or may not be relevant to your website or business, it can help get people to your website as well as your social sites, and it could make you some money if you use it right.  If you take a look at most Pinterest profiles, they have the name of the user, a verification checkmark, and probably some small spiel about that person, their website URL and any other pertinent websites like Facebook and twitter.  It’s very easy to use, and as mentioned, fun.  Pinterest is adding new things to not only help consumers and regular users use the website, but they are also trying to make it useful for businesses that use Pinterest as well.  One of the newer options Pinterest has added are called Promoted Pins.  These are fantastic and very useful! If you don’t use Pinterest yet (why aren’t you?!) or you are but you don’t know what Promoted Pins are, continue reading below for a crash course on what they are, how they work, how to set them up and much more!

How to Speed up a WordPress Site

Speed up a WordPress SiteWordPress is by far one of my favorite types of websites, however, out of the box it’s not as great as you might think it is.  But, one of the reasons why WordPress is so popular and widely used is because of what you can turn it into.  WordPress is known for its plugins and themes.  There are literally hundreds of thousands of plugins and themes you can use to make your website better.  Because of this, if you use WordPress but you are experiencing some slow load times or page loading times, you might just not be using the right plugins, or you could have some other issues that you aren’t aware of.  If you are new to WordPress, use it “as is” or you just want to know why your website is loading slow and how to speed it up, continue to read below for some tips.

seo backlinks

5 Tips to Improve Your SEO

It’s sort of funny how you start a website and have no knowledge of how they work and then suddenly you are thrown into this unknown world.  People that don’t have websites don’t realize how beneficial they are, but they also don’t realize they are hard work.  This IS something you can just throw together, but chances are you won’t have very good results.  It takes time, some money, a lot of knowledge and a lot of luck to get a website up and running and to keep it running.  You need to not only rely on things like good design and good content; you need to rely on other things like SEO.  Maybe before you had a website, you had no idea what SEO is, but by now you are probably pretty immersed in this subject.  Still, things are ever changing in the SEO world and there are always more things, new things or quick things you can do to improve your SEO – website ranking.  If you are looking for a few new options to improve your SEO, or you want to improve it quickly, check out some of the tips below.

Responsive Web Design

Facts About The Google Mobile Update

Google announced yet another update, but this one was not another animal named search algorithm.  Instead, this one, which was released on April 21st 2015, has to do with the ranking factor on mobile search results.  Even though this has to do with mobile sites, don’t let it fool you, if it’s from Google and it’s an update – one that is forecast to be bigger than Panda or Penguin, chances are it’s something you should be paying plenty of attention to.  The first thing you need to know is this; websites that are available as of right now, that are NOT mobile friendly, are subject to losing rankings.  This is a serious matter especially for people like you that have worked hard to get their website in the ranking position it’s in right now!  Losing ranks means losing a lot of traffic and what does traffic equal?  Readership, sales, business – staying afloat!  If you haven’t heard about this update, or you want to know more about what you can do, what you need to worry about and how to fix your mobile un-friendly websites, continue to read more below.

Most Social Media Mistakes and Other Things That Cause Content to Fail

When it comes to anything on the internet as a business, you tend to make mistakes before you learn the correct way of doing things and that’s okay.  But, wouldn’t it be nice to be aware of the mistakes and to keep from doing them right off the bat?  Sure it would!  That’s why we have compiled this post.  It’s dedicated to users such as yourself that don’t want to go through trial and error.  Instead, they want to get right down to the nitty gritty and do it right the first time.  Below, you will find an array of social media mistakes that people tend to make.  These mistakes are geared towards different social sites, not just one like Facebook or Twitter.

Simple Tricks and Hacks to Promote a Facebook Fan Page

Getting people to visit your Facebook Fan page may be proving to be one of the most difficult things you have to do.  Don’t worry, we all go through this. Trying to find new and outlandish ways to get people to your page is something that every single brand goes through unless you are someone like Arhaus or Nike (unfortunately!).  Thankfully, there are some things you can do to promote your page off-site.  Off-site versus onsite is very different.  Choosing onsite promotion is easy because you can choose the suggest to friends option, you can buy likes to your page via the Facebook self-serving ads program and you can hold contests to get people to like the page.  Off site is a little more difficult, but can be more rewarding if you do it right.  If all else fails and you have tried everything, do yourself a favor and hire a top SEO form to help you figure out ways to promote the page and essentially get more views, more likes and more engagement.  Before you do all that though, check out the options below to make sure you covered all of your bases.