Digital Marketing Mastery: Insights, Strategies, and Tactics for Success

digital marketing

These posts cover the different techniques and marketing strategies used to promote businesses through digital channels such as websites, search engines, social media, mobile apps and email.

Reputation Management Strategies

Reputation Management StrategyWhen it comes to reputation management strategies – either burying bad posts or creating new positive posts about your business or even yourself, there are quite a few ways of going about this.  Reputation management (the bad) is mostly put into use when someone has said something negative about you or your business and you want to “bury” it (true or not true).  On the other hand reputation management (good) is about creating a web presence about your or your business in a positive manner.  Because this can be a negative or positive experience, below we will be going over each of these facets as well as different strategies you can use for these options.

How to Manage an Online Reputation

Online Reputation ManagementWhen it comes to having a website or a business online, you can’t always make everyone happy.  It’s unfortunate, but true.  You could be in business for 10 years and run into people (especially online) that want to say derogatory things against you or your company – even if it’s not true.  In the case of things being said about you, it can and probably will hurt your business or even you personally.  It might not affect every person that comes into contact with a negative review about you or your business but once in a while you may lose customers because of a bad review or comment about you or your business.  This can be a really tough thing to deal with – even if you do have thick skin.  Thankfully there is something you can do about it and its called Reputation Management.  Wikipedia defines Reputation management as this: Reputation management is the influencing and/or control of an individual’s or business’s reputation. Originally a public relations term, the advancement of internet and social media use, along with reputation management companies, have made it primarily an issue of search results.  If you want to know how to manage your reputation online, you must first SEE if there are any negative conversations, comments or reviews about you or your business online.  In order to do this, you need to:

What is Evergreen Content?

When you have a business blog or even something like a Web 2.0 site, you don’t expect the content to be fresh forever.  You might have posts from 1 month ago, 1 year ago or 5 years ago that you want people to read, but they never do.  After all, when you create a content site, you tend to put a lot of work into writing all of those posts; it’s kind of a shame that people don’t visit them anymore now that you have new stuff up, right?  Fortunately, there IS a way for people to be led to that content from weeks, months or years ago; it’s called evergreen content.  So what is evergreen content?  It’s essentially a post or a piece of content that continues to gain search traffic long after it’s been posted.  If you want to understand more about this type of content, how to use it to your advantage or how to create it, continue reading below!

How To Market A Service Online


Marketing A Service

Marketing a service, unlike marketing a product online is actually much more difficult. The reason? You are essentially marketing yourself; your knowledge, skills, abilities as well as your reliability and dependability. Unfortunately anyone can go and say “I am the god of software and I can do all things software related”, but really have little or no knowledge of software. A service is in fact, invisible. You can talk talk talk all you want, but talk is cheap and anyone can basically say they are good at something, without actually being good at it. It takes a lot to get someone to trust you enough to sell them your service. However, there are things you can do market the service, as well as gain trust from people.

How to Keep Your Website Secure


Keep Your Website Secure

People who are newer to the internet or newer to websites and owning one, might not really know how important it is to have a secure website. Not only is it important on your part, but if you have sensitive information of yours or your clients on your website or you have an ecommerce website, it’s important to keep other people’s information safe too. Some of these tasks on this checklist are easy and can quickly be done by you, while others you might need to hire someone to do it for you. Either way, it’s important that you make sure your entire website is buttoned up so that no malicious person, bot, machine or software can gain access to the website.

Different Kinds Of Backlinks


Backlinks are one of if not the most important things when trying to build links on search engines that lead back to your website. Back links or in the literal sense links back to your website are links that you can create through a variety of avenues to lead people back to your website. Backlinks, as one would assume, can be built all sorts of ways. From something simple like adding a profile on a directory like Yelp to something that takes more time to index like with article marketing. All in all though, the amount of quality and diverse backlinks you have, does matter. Quality = not spamming. Diverse = on various websites with different page ranks and authority types. It used to be that you could just place backlinks everywhere and anywhere and it didn’t matter where or how you got them. But, over the past few years, Google and other engines are cracking down on how you create these links and where they are coming from, because of this, listed below are various sites or rather “ways” to get backlinks.

A Quick Guide To Google’s Pigeon Update

Pigeon Update


These days it seems like every other month Google is creating another update with some weird name.The pigeon update was not a name created by Google though; it really didn’t have a name in general, so marketers just decided to call it another animal name like all the others (Penguin, Panda, and the likes). This specific update was done on July 24th of this year and it sure it causing a lot of uproar amongst local SEO marketers. Originally no one really understood or had information on what this update was for or how it would effect people, but over the months more and more people are starting to understand just what this is and what it does.

How to Defend Against Content Stealing

If you have a blog, chances are you work really hard on the content OR you spend money buying it from a writer. If this is the case, I highly doubt you want other people stealing your hard work and putting it on their website. Yet, this happens all the time sadly. It’s such an easy task. You find a site you like that is relevant to yours. You copy the text, paste it into a document and put it on your website. It’s a shame really that stealing content is so easy for people. If you don’t want your content stolen that you worked so hard on or if you have had this happen to you before (which is very disheartening) then there are a few things you can do to try to stop it. I say “try” because you cannot 100% make people stop stealing content. You can try blocking it, you can try a few precautions, you can even copyright the work, but there are still going to be jerky people out there looking for the easy way out.