Digital Marketing Mastery: Insights, Strategies, and Tactics for Success

Tag: wordpress blog optimization

How to Speed up a WordPress Site

Speed up a WordPress SiteWordPress is by far one of my favorite types of websites, however, out of the box it’s not as great as you might think it is.  But, one of the reasons why WordPress is so popular and widely used is because of what you can turn it into.  WordPress is known for its plugins and themes.  There are literally hundreds of thousands of plugins and themes you can use to make your website better.  Because of this, if you use WordPress but you are experiencing some slow load times or page loading times, you might just not be using the right plugins, or you could have some other issues that you aren’t aware of.  If you are new to WordPress, use it “as is” or you just want to know why your website is loading slow and how to speed it up, continue to read below for some tips.

How to Optimize a WordPress Blog

Now that you have started your blog in the WordPress platform, there are many things you can do to optimize it. There are over 50 million WordPress blogs hosted on the WordPress website. This makes getting your blog noticed a chore. By using some SEO tactics, you can create a blog that is optimized for Google searches and packed full of important relevant content that people will want to read.

Optimization Efforts

You can hire an SEO consultant, but this article is meant to show you how to optimize your WordPress blog without any help. Fresh and engaging content is what builds a loyal following and attracts backlinks. You can even tweak the content you have to get a better search engine ranking. Here are 7 key areas of SEO that, while do not do much alone, together can optimize your blog.