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How to Promote a New Blog

When starting a new blog, there are many things you can do to promote your voice to the world. You must first find yourself a great idea, do all your research, and start the writing process. Make sure that you have a good digital marketing strategy, a market where people are spending money, and create your niche. Here are some tips on what to do after you have created the next best blog to advertise it to the world.

Multiple Personalities

A blogger must utilize many traits to do all the required work of posting a blog and advertising. As a blogger, you must have good ideas, be good at design, be able to write well, and, finally, be able to execute your plan flawlessly. Once you have your blog ready and you want to publish your first post and before you actually publish your article, try to think of as many ways as you can to advertise the blog to find the most views.

What is the Best Time of Day to Publish a Blog Post?

There are certain times and days that you can post your blog to be seen by the most people. After slaving away to complete a perfect blog post with an attention grabbing introduction and relevant, optimized content, pause for a second before you publish it. Maybe you should save it until a peak period of the week where you will get the most views. The time it is and the day of the week can both have a significant impact on the traffic you see. Take a little bit of time to understand some statistics about when your article will get the most views, and utilize it, making your investment that much more worth it.

How to Optimize a WordPress Blog

Now that you have started your blog in the WordPress platform, there are many things you can do to optimize it. There are over 50 million WordPress blogs hosted on the WordPress website. This makes getting your blog noticed a chore. By using some SEO tactics, you can create a blog that is optimized for Google searches and packed full of important relevant content that people will want to read.

Optimization Efforts

You can hire an SEO consultant, but this article is meant to show you how to optimize your WordPress blog without any help. Fresh and engaging content is what builds a loyal following and attracts backlinks. You can even tweak the content you have to get a better search engine ranking. Here are 7 key areas of SEO that, while do not do much alone, together can optimize your blog.

What Are the Benefits and Drawbacks of a WordPress Blog?

WordPress is one of the best blogging tools you can find today. The open source program is the first choice of many bloggers, while some even use this tool for designing websites. Here are a few of the positive things you will notice when using WordPress, and some negatives that may push your towards another software altogether for your blog creation and SEO marketing.


The set up for this program is so easy. There is a one click install that you can use on your domain to install a WordPress blog to your website in a matter of seconds. When installing it on your computer or website, all you need to do is choose a plugin or template, and click to install.

What is the Best Blogging Platform for SEO?

Blogs have become a great way to express thoughts, promote, create an internet presence, and publish content. Using a free blogging platform like WordPress, Blogger, Weebly, Jux, and Tumblr, make publishing your blogs easy. Here is some in depth information on the best blogging platform for your SEO strategy and some tips on customizing and personalizing it.

When trying to figure out what is the best platform to run your websites blog on, you are confronted with many options. The spokesperson from Google, Matt Cutts, stated that WordPress was made to do SEO well. Coming from someone at Google, the advice should be well worth looking into. Here are some reasons that WordPress is the best blogging platform when it comes to SEO.

seo whiteboard

What is an expert?

Becoming an expert in your field has become a very important part of SEO and establishing your online business presence. When you are established as an expert in your field, you gain the trust of your clients and site visitors. You are more likely to be recommended by others who see you as an expert. The primary way to be recognized as an industry expert is basically to get yourself out there. By sharing what you know on industry related topics, you will increase your visibility and build an online community around you. It is important to know how to leverage your expertise in order to help your brand have a further reach. There are some methods that are considered to be good on page or off page SEO strategies. Here are a few to use to help establish yourself as an expert in your industry.

The Hummingbird Update and the Future of Search

Google Hummingbird Update
Google Hummingbird Update

It seems like Google updates more frequently than what we can keep up with them. Their latest update, the Hummingbird Update was announced recently even though they had been using it for about a month prior to the announcement. Some could take it personal when they are not “in the know” about which update is being initiated. The latest update to the algorithm is the Hummingbird update and it is one in which the entire algorithm has undergone a complete overhaul. Unlike some of the earlier updates like Penguin or Panda, Hummingbird is a total change to the algorithm. Penguin and Panda each dealt with one aspect of the algorithm, not the entire method. The latest update has refined how search results are gathered and displayed for users and it has sent ripples of discontent across SEO professionals. Knowing how the Hummingbird Update changes the world of search is important to web marketers and SEO specialists everywhere.

How Does Google Work?


Who hasn’t said, “It’s okay, I’ll Google it.”? This has become the standard response of the day when we do not know the answer to a question. But with literally millions of sites, how do we know Google will come up with the right answer to our question? How does Google find a restaurant or business in our general vicinity when we need one? The web is growing exponentially every day, but how does it come up with the answers to our queries?

Are Keywords Dead?

Online marketing is alive and well; but it is in a state of constant change. Semantic search has just changed everything once again and it has many marketers and SEO professionals scratching their heads trying to figure out what to do with the once important keywords. There are two schools of belief; one which feels that keywords are dead and will remain a thing of the past and another that believes keywords are still valuable and just as important as they have always been.